Individual developments
Tailored web applications
In addition to the two most important platforms for us, Google Workspace and Office 365, consulity offers the individual development of web applications based on Microsoft ASP.NET or ASP.NET MVC. This typically involves the use of databases such as Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft's Entity Framework or NoSQL databases such as MongoDB. Preferably we use ASP.MVC with C#, developments with VB.NET are possible on request. Although we are basically focused on building web-based applications, the development of stand-alone Windows applications based on Microsoft .NET Framework or .NET Core is possible on request.

Client-side frameworks and class libraries
On the client side, we use JavaScript libraries such as jQuery and CSS frameworks such as Bootstrap. We also offer application development without the use of JavaScript libraries (pure JavaScript). Web development should not be confused with web design. Although the user interface and user experience (UI / UX) are extremely important parts of web development, web development focuses on functions and the execution of a process or its optimized flow, not just on design. Web technology (HTML + CSS + JavaScript) is now a key technology that can be used in various forms on a wide variety of clients. Whether via responsive design, as the basis of an app or through the use of progressive web apps (PWA).
We provide support if you...
- want to build a Windows Server based web application
- want to build a single page application
- need a scalable web application with a database
- want to transform a legacy software into a new and web-based system
- want to build an application as a progressive web app (PWA)
- need an individual web application for your team